OGC Campus
Mr. Patrick Hurworth Head of School - OGC Campus
Welcome to Oberoi International School (OIS)!
When I first encountered the school, I was immediately impressed with the authenticity of the focus on student well being and learning. The recognition, rigor and challenge of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes speak for themselves, yet some schools adhere to its practices and pedagogies more convincingly than others. You can feel assured that OIS commits fully to the IB Mission, and is dedicated to using research-based, best teaching and assessment practice to serve its students.
As a parent of two grown children (both of whom graduated from international schools) I recognize the need for schools to focus on academic excellence, building a resume and preparing for college placement. I am sure you join me in recognising that academic excellence, success and finding the college which is right for your child are futile endeavors in the absence of a safe, warm community, and without programmes which ensure that each student is known, supported and whose social-emotional well being is cared for. OIS is well known for this holistic approach to learning, and has been for some years now.
Since my first moments on campus as a visitor and now, as the school year begins, I have sensed and seen the ambition of the school. I have been enthused by the relentless approach to strengthening teaching and learning and the passion of the teachers and team members. The commitment to Professional Learning for teachers is world-renowned. I know that it was not a school in which complacency would creep in.
As you wander through our website, you will get a flavor of the environment and energy our students and teachers bring. Only by visiting will you feel that energy first hand, and I hope you do get the chance to visit either as a prospective parent or a parent of an enrolled student.
Our commitment is to prepare our students not just for college but to be ethical, productive, fulfilled adults. Recent times have reminded us how unpredictable our world is and will remain; our learning environment must encourage resilience and adaptability so that, as adults, our students can navigate life's opportunities, challenges and change. It is a significant responsibility, but one which we discharge with excitement and expertise..
We are proud of our inclusive admissions policy , which means students of all abilities are welcomed here. Our academic results consistently place us among the top international schools in the world, while our sport, music, drama and other activities are all of the highest quality.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about OIS. I hope to see you on campus in the near future. Please feel free to stop me on campus, or visit my office to introduce yourself!