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The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.   

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Learning a language means learning a new culture. Our approach is built around introducing our students to new languages, making them multilingual despite the fact that they come from different nations.

Language offerings are planned to fit the curriculum, preparing students to understand diversity and be international citizens. Language learning focuses on developing language skills and proficiency, and exploring cultures and global issues through language.

Purpose of Language Learning at OIS:

  • develop student competency and effective communication through listening, speaking, reading and writing.    
  • help students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills to access all curricula.
  • provide opportunities for all students to access experiences and celebrations of diverse languages. 
  • foster international mindedness by demonstrating flexibility, curiosity, and respect within our community and for common humanity by promoting multilingualism.

Learning a second language

The IB requires that every MYP/DP student learns one additional language. Most students opt to study this language through the Language Acquisition subject group but proficient learners may opt to learn their additional language through the Language and Literature subject group.


Why learn an additional language!

Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.
Rita Mae Brown

The IB curriculum moulds students into understanding human beings. Learning a new language takes them a step ahead into understanding a person from another culture.

While cultures and traditions make up a person, the curriculum encourages students to think with a global perspective, which is greatly enabled by understanding a person's first language.

Also learning an additional language is connected to TOK - Theory of Knowledge which is one of the core subjects of the curriculum. Through this learning students become inquirers and question what we know through what we claim to know. Language is a way of knowing and one of the optional themes in the TOK curriculum.