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IB PYP (Nursery - Grade 5) at OIS

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Oberoi International School (OIS) is an IB Continuum school.  The Primary section offers the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 - 12.  The programme nurtures young students to be caring, lifelong learners who are internationally open-minded individuals. From our youngest learners we recognise that students have the potential to explore, inquire, question, wonder and ‘theorize about themselves, others, and the world around them.’

Approaches to learning and teaching address an inquiry-based and concept-driven transdisciplinary model. This approach gives students the opportunity to use their imagination to ‘respond to new and unexpected challenges and opportunities, and to take action for a better and more peaceful world.’

The Early learner

Early learning is a holistic learning experience that integrates features of symbolic exploration, play-based learning, flexible learning spaces and building relationships; all of which are essential aspects for this age group.  Ultimately learning takes place in dynamic environments that promote play, discovery and exploration.
At OIS, the Early learner includes Nursery, Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten (SKG).  Early Learners are actively engaged in various stages of learning, including: thinking about, planning, modifying and creating.  The learners experience learning through a range of learning experiences and subjects. 
We believe that learning happens not only in the classroom but also outside of the classroom. Students are exposed to many appropriate and relevant excursions and trips to nearby surroundings to extend and deepen their understanding. Local, as well as international occasions, are celebrated as a part of this Programme. 


Grade 1-5

Our Primary School follows the framework of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate (IB) for 6 -12 year-olds. Across the Primary School, a culture of collaboration is fostered and modelled. Our teachers work together to ensure that learning engagements are authentic - relevant to the real world; and transdisciplinary; where the learning is not confined within the boundaries of traditional subject areas but is enriched by them. 

At OIS we focus on the development of the whole child, addressing social, physical, mental, emotional, and cultural needs in addition to academic development. The IB Framework offers a comprehensive, inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning and incorporates best practices in student learning styles, teaching methodologies, and assessment strategies. In the PYP, a balance is sought between the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understanding, demonstration of positive attributes, and taking responsible action.

Our curriculum is a concept-based approach, drawing together individual disciplines into a coherent whole while preserving the essence of each subject. Technology supports all learning areas. One of the most significant and distinctive features of the IB Primary Years Programme is the six transdisciplinary themes.

IB Learner Profile

The Core

In addition to the core units, we offer single-subject classes in:

• Hindi • French • Spanish • Marathi
• Music • Art • Physical, Social, and Personal Education